Phonetic Matching Functions

These functions provide standard algorithms for phonetic fuzzy matching on strings. They each accept a string as a parameter and return a canonical string representing the pronunciation of the input. The specific meaning of the resulting string depends on the algorithm. These functions support ASCII strings only; they will throw an error if a string containing non-ASCII characters is provided. These functions are provided by the sqlean "fuzzy" extension which is built into SQL Notebook.


CAVERPHONE(x)       -- Caverphone
PHONETIC_HASH(x, y) -- Spellcheck phonetic code
SOUNDEX(x)          -- Soundex
RSOUNDEX(x)         -- Refined Soundex

Return Value

Canonical representation of the pronunciation of the input string.


PRINT SOUNDEX('Robert');  -- 'R163'
PRINT SOUNDEX('🙂'); -- error: non-ASCII string